Vol. 1: The Unchanging Forms of the Gospel

ufog-web-medA Response To Eight Theses on Worship
Holger Sonntag
132 pages

Web Price: $6.00 (Retail Price: $8.99)

Although Christians are given considerable freedom in worship, a freedom which is ruled by the humble service of love, there are certain aspects of Christian worship which must remain until Christ returns again in glory. In this response to a set of 8 Theses recently approved by the Council of Presidents of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (USA), Dr. Holger Sonntag raises the question as to the theological limits of freedom in worship which the theses describe.

This is the first title in the Questions in Lutheran Theology and Church series.

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ISBN-13: 978-0-9748529-9-7
Library of Congress Control Number: 2010925016